Measures dissolved oxygen, temperature and saturation levels ??instantaneously. In standard equipment, the alarm limits can be set by the user. In "Barge + Cage Model", instant measurement results are transferred to the tablet in Barge from the cages where it is connected by wireless connection, seallowing the staff to monitor the data immediately. The measurement results are transmitted to the central server over the Internet connection at intervals of 5 minutes from the tablet, which is monitored in Barge. In cage facilities without barge, if the distance of the measured cages to the land is less than 400 meters and if there is an office / container with Internet connection on land, the same system can be used. We use a system with a direct transmission module in facilities where the cages are located at a distance of 400 meters and where there is no barge. In these types of installations, the fact that they can be connected to the Internet via a mobile phone on the cages to be measured indicates that there is enough signal for data flow. Measurements made in cage 5 minutes to the central server over the data line at intervals. All measurements are recorded on the central server. There is a separate file for all systems in the central server. All measurement results can be viewed up-to-date as soon as they are received, as well as recorded.The records can only be accessed by authorized personnel by using an user name and a password. All data can be accessed via tablets, mobile phones and computers anywhere on the globe with Internet connection. The results can be displayed either graphically or as an Excel spreadsheet, instantly or by selecting a specific time period. The module, easily assembled with only 4 bolts in the top of the cage, meets the needs of the battery in the water proof IP 68 housing, which is supplied with the required solar panel. Mounting on module, the next-generation optical technology probe has a cable length of 15 meters. It can be lowered from the side surface of the cage to the deep side, from the midpoint, it can provide access to the deepness of the level that fishes are fed. Thus, the dissolved oxygen, temperature and saturation measurements at the depth are transferred to instantaneous results
In this technology, there is no need for the membrane and solution that are required for the galvanic probes. As with galvanic probes, there is no risk of calibration deviation due to membrane puncture and solution depletion, means there is no false measurement risk.
Dissolved oxygen probe 15 meter cable length (S)
Temperature (S)
Saturation (S)
pH probe (O)
Salinity probe (O)
Turbidity probe (O)
Chlorophyll-A (O)
Cable length longer than 15 meters (O)
Buoy (O)
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