SPLASH Surface Aerator

SPLASH Surface Aerator

SURFACE AERATION is required and highly recommended in all situations where degassing is fundamental. In many applications the removal of harmful gases, which are very dangerous for aquatic animals and for the health of the water basin, is far more important than mere water oxygenation. Every fish and shrimp farmer will need a surface aerator to avoid high concentrations of ammonia and CO2 and to create a perfect environment for the species they breed.

The aerator is mainly used to push water in the air so that the two elements come into contact and to finally transfer oxygen from air to water.

The two most important features to select a surface aerator are the following:

› water flow (m3/h) - this is a must to be considered in all aerators

› water suction depth

In the area of influence of a surface aerator, there will be well oxygenated and mixed water, no stratifi- cation, and, finally, a better water environment.