This year is the 100th anniversary of Turkish-Japanese diplomatic relations. We will give our presentations with our valuable lecturers from Japan.
The distributorship agreement was signed between Vetagro and Akuamaks.
Larvae production has started in our clam ( Ruditapes philippinarum ) hatchery project!
The book "Technology in Aquaculture and Its Environmental Effects" has been published.
VAKI Pipeline Fish Counters commissioned at the Turkish Salmon cage facility on Karkamış Dam Gaziantep - Türkiye
The RAS equipment shipments of our overseas aquaculture projects are continuing in May.
New project for clam. A shellfish hatchery for producing high-quality, fast-growing, and disease-resistant shellfish seed for the European market.
We participated in the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey, the Presidency of Strategy and Budget, the Twelfth Development Plan Aquaculture & Fisheries Specialization Commission Final Meeting
We participated in the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey, the Presidency of Strategy and Budget, Twelfth Development Plan Aquaculture & Fisheries Specialization Commission Meeting
We participated in the 1st Turkish Salmon Workshop held at Sinop University on October 3-6, with our presentation on (RAS) recirculating aquaculture systems.
If you haven't had a chance to see it yet, here it is:
The first export of July, the aquaculture equipment for our overseas projects is being loaded.
Promoting Fish, Fisheries Development and Conservation across Cameroon and Africa. We welcome all segments of the population interested in the development, marketing, and promotion of fisheries across Cameroon, Africa, and the Globe to join us for this important event.
Red Swamp Crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) scientific trials were completed and published in the Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences.
We would like to invite you to the next PIT Tag and Antenna System workshop that will be held in Spain at D. Alvaro de Luna's watermill, in Arevalo (Avila) on November 23th and 24th, 2021
Our UV disinfection systems, with a total capacity of 1,200 m3/h commissioned at the marine fish hatchery facility by Akuamaks technical team in Milas - Mugla / Turkey.
We participated in the bilateral workshop between Ukraine and Turkey
You can login our ‘’ADVANCING FISH WELFARE TOGETHER’’ meeting, which will be held on Thursday, September 2, 2021 between 3 p.m-5 p.m., from this link
RAS equipment exportation in July.
Bilateral workshop between Greece and Turkey
The last export of Ramadan, on the way to Saudi Arabia. You are safe with us!
The first export of the month of Ramadan is to the Gulf Area. You are safe with us!
Ozone disinfection system commissioned at the Marine Fish Hatchery in Turkey
Our filters commissioning completed successfully...
Hatchery tanks are ready for shipment for happy and healthy fish.
You Are Safe With Us...
Akuamaks new model drum filter commissioned at the marine fish hatchery in Turkey.
Akuamaks sand filter commissioned at the marine hatchery in Sultanate of Oman.
At the 8 th Aquaculture Symposium, Antalya-Turkey
PBR L 1250 model photobioreactor setup completed in the New York Aquarium by Industrial Plankton & Akuamaks technical team. Thanks for their hospitalities and technical support during our commissioning & training work.
Theoretical and practical basic training about aquaponics had given to intern aquaculture engineering students and faculty team at Mersin University Aquaculture Engineering Faculty.
Akuamaks RAS 2000 Research System
RAS 1200 Research System
International Aquafeed/Fish Farming Technology Magazine's April 2019
Common Borders. Common Solutions.
Ege University Faculty of Fisheries Visit